Declare Your Energy Independence with Intercal8’s Microgrid Controllers
Declare Your Energy Independence with Intercal8’s Microgrid Controllers In an era where energy demands are constantly rising and environmental concerns
IoT Technology Hardware and Software Development
ASSET-Rx™ Operational Intelligence Software
BlueBrain® Connected Sensor Interfaces
Intercal8™ Energy Management Products
Manage your manufacturing, warehouse, and repair center operations for higher levels of profitability leveraging IIoT. We provide real-time actionable information on your inventory, assets and people.
Custom battery management systems (BMS) and battery packs, meeting your energy storage needs. We not only develop battery packs, but also make battery monitoring and communications look really easy.
Development services for custom solutions such as connected sensors with embedded intelligence, integration of robot or cobot systems in your manufacturing lines.
Solutions for monitoring and control of edge applications spanning across multiple locations, zones, functions, hardware types and users. Deploy edge applications massively, manage them uniquely.
BlueBrain makes monitoring systems easy to deploy and operate. Implement a future proof hyper-connected monitoring or control system in no time, and within budget.
Location, condition, issues, receipt or shipment records of things that matter. Monitor the interactions between inventory, assets and people. We developed the Chain of Custody for operations, applied to contact tracing in TRACE-19.
If your success depends on keeping the downtime to a minimum, keep track of maintenance schedules using ASSET-Rx. Replace reactive maintenance with scheduled, predictive and prescriptive maintenance practices. Digital transformation. Delivered.
Universal LED driver controllers (ULDCs) for luminaires and lighting fixtures make implementation easy. Use the wall units with striking looks to control lighting and climate. Make your buildings smarter, more comfortable to dwell in, while increasing their value.
Single point of truth real time and historical. Eliminate errors caused by manual entries in operations. Capture accurate and consistent operational data using wireless and wired interfaces fraom machines, assets, people and inventory.
Hardware and software tools for battery cell manufacturers help construct fuel gauging and health estimation algorithms. Help your customers estimate the remaining run time of their battery powered system.
The incident light delivery is as critical as the camera for machine vision systems. Our lighting design and controls synchronize with the industrial cameras for high speed operation, and helps increase the dynamic range of the cameras.
Power and load quality: The leading indicator to profitability. Monitor the quality of the power drawn by your individual assets to gauge the health as well as predicting upcoming failures, identify issues before they become problems.
Declare Your Energy Independence with Intercal8’s Microgrid Controllers In an era where energy demands are constantly rising and environmental concerns